“Nagel channeled emotion through his style, his signature outlines, cropped compositions and interior decorator-friendly color palette.” Nagel’s work, Israel adds, “captures the emotional state of an era: 1980s American desire, collective materialistic aspiration, a Less Than Zero state of mind.”— L.A.-based conceptual artist, Alex Israel
“Patrick Nagel’s influence on illustrators and our perception of ‘80s culture is as glossy and indelible as blow on white Formica.”

“His elegant graphic work and his portrayal of the contemporary woman made figurative design before him look instantly old.”

“Patrick Nagel’s minimalist style defined an era with cool, seductive women that became the most iconic of any single generation…”

“The vivid cover art alone — its pale Patrick Nagel creature, with her beguiling cherry ice-cream smile — a Mona Lisa for the New Romantic Age — lent the album instant icon status.”— Duran Duran

“Everyone who looks back to the 1980s for an influence in their style or simply to remember a simpler time sees Nagel everywhere: in the large sweaters, the Wayfarer sunglasses, and even in the music. Nagel’s work encompasses the 1980s in a way that no other artist does, by capturing the desire and erotic materialistic aspiration of a generation.”